what come first, the chicken or the egg? we’ve got hundreds of cadburys creme eggs & nugs in the club for a huge easter saturday special
🥚 1000s of creme eggs & maccies nugs
🐣 3 floors of pop, rnb, throwbacks, house & dancefloor anthems
🐰 hundreds of rabbit ears
🥃 £3 drinks
book a ticket from £3 and save £7 🤩
Distinctive Bars operates award winning & safety accredited venues.
Our policies include:
🔞 ‘Challenge 25’ policy – Please be prepared to show valid ID on entry and when purchasing alcohol. 🔞
✋ We respectfully ask you to drink responsibly and respect our local residents – You will not be permitted entry or to be served if you are intoxicated. See www.drinkaware.co.uk for the facts ✋
❗ All Distinctive Bars venues are Zero Tolerance & Ask Angela accredited. We operate a #zerotolerance policy towards sexual harassment and discrimination. If you experience or witness anything of this kind, please make a member of staff aware ❗
We take our responsibility to help keep everybody safe as the highest of importance. Read more about what we do to provide exceptional guest care here https://distinctivebars.com/we…
Club Chemistry, 15 Station Road East, Canterbury. Kent, CT1 2RB
Canterbury CT1 2RB