We’re so proud to share that we won four awards at the Best Bar None Canterbury 2024 awards! Best Bar None assess venues on their commitment to safety, customer service & responsible alcohol management.

We have been recognised for

– The best staff training and care

– The best safety at our U18’s events

– The best anti spiking protection and awareness

– The most dedicated staff member, a huge shout out to our wonderful Mary B!

Read what Best Bar None had to say

Best Staff Training & Care

“Excellent processes and procedures in place covering all aspect of staff training, which in turn contributes to the safe running of the premises. Staff are fully briefed at the beginning and end of the shift and any incidents are debriefed to seek improvements. There is an expectation of high standards, and this is evident from the training the staff have received.”

Best Dedicated Staff Member – Mary B

“Mary is the CCTV operator at Club Chemistry and is invaluable to the premises, she certainly knows the club from inside to out with a great deal of experience and knowledge, she is quick to respond to any issues in the club, directing doorstaff to any issues to prevent problems escalating. Mary should be recognised for her hard work and commitment to ensuring a safe night out for customer attending the club. Every premise needs a Mary.”

Best Event Safety – Under 18s

“Club Chemistry held 2 recently Under 18’s events at the premise in February and April this year with the aim to ingratiate young people with the night-time economy, removing some of the recent fears and anxieties around the industry and to allow them to experience the setting of a nightclub and safe socialising.

The event was an excellent example of combined partnership working to ensure the events passed without incident. Attendance was in the region of 700 young people, aged between 14-17, with a strict no ID, no entry policy in place. The club provided a security dog and used a visible knife arch along with their normal searching protocol.

Great feedback was received from attendees and their parents and is credit to the club for their hard work and high standards.”

Best Op Lester Anti-Spiking Promotion & Awareness

“The club always follows guidance and ensures that any reported incidents under OP LESTER are treated as a priority ensuring the customer is safeguarded and looked after. Having a designated medical room, excellent staff and CCTV it allows incidents to be fully investigated. The club promotes visual customer awareness and has also recently invested in their own version of branded drinks covers – due to issues with the very sticky stop top covers ( we can all relate to this!?). Rather than stop using covers they found a better solution. “


We’re delighted have been accredited with a Best Bar None Accreditation for 2023. Not only that we were awarded with the Zero Tolerance award at the Best Bar None Canterbury 2023 awards! Best Bar None assess venues on their commitment to safety, customer service & responsible alcohol management.